Did you know?

Airport runway retaining walls

2024-07-03T04:17:02+00:00November 30th, 2016|Did you know?|

Reinforced Earth® retaining walls are an excellent solution for runway extensions Our structures used as Airport runway retaining walls are particularly suited to the constraints related to the construction of new airports including the extension or renovation and upgrade of their take-off and landing runways. Airports are usually [...]

Did you know…that Reinforced Earth® structures also work under water?

2020-01-09T14:17:01+00:00May 30th, 2016|Did you know?|

Did you know...that Reinforced Earth® structures also work under water? Reinforced Earth® structures can be designed to be partially or even fully submerged by water. The stability of the structures is checked for all critical conditions (lowest water level, highest water level, rapid draw down). Effective stresses, pore [...]

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